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Notification History

Notification History

শ্রেণী:টুলস আকার:3.86M সংস্করণ:1.9.4

বিকাশকারী:Yotta Studio হার:4.5 আপডেট:Jan 25,2025

ডাউনলোড করুন
আবেদন বিবরণ

Overwhelmed by constant notifications disrupting your workflow or leisure time? Notification History is the answer! With a single tap, silence distracting alerts and prioritize only essential notifications. This app neatly organizes all your notifications, ensuring you won't miss crucial updates while minimizing interruptions. By categorizing and prioritizing notifications based on importance, Notification History boosts focus and efficiency, eliminating the need for constant phone checks. Experience reduced notification overload and enhanced productivity with Notification History!

Key Features of Notification History:

  • Efficiently categorizes all notifications.
  • Allows users to prioritize important notifications.
  • Improves user focus by reducing notification clutter.
  • Guarantees no notifications are missed or lost.

User Tips:

  • Set importance levels for each app to prioritize notifications effectively.
  • Regularly check the Notification History icon for unread notifications.
  • Customize settings to mute non-essential notifications for uninterrupted concentration.

In Conclusion:

Notification History is the perfect solution for anyone tired of notification bombardment. By efficiently organizing notifications and allowing users to prioritize important alerts, this app enhances concentration and ensures no notifications are overlooked. With its user-friendly interface and simple setup, Notification History is a must-have tool for anyone seeking a streamlined notification experience. Download now and conquer notification overload!

Notification History স্ক্রিনশট 0
Notification History স্ক্রিনশট 1
Notification History স্ক্রিনশট 2
Notification History স্ক্রিনশট 3
সর্বশেষ নিবন্ধ
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