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Schalte alle Fähigkeiten frei: Meistere die Garderobe in Infinity Nikki

Autor : Victoria Aktualisieren:Jan 11,2025

Outfit and AbilityAcquisition MethodRequired Materials
Bubbly Voyage (Floating)Unlocked at game start.Base: Lampchilli x8, Threads of Purity x26

Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

Wind of Purity (Purification)Unlocked at game start.Base: Woolfruit x3, Buttoncones x2, Daisies x2, Threads of Purity x26 Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
Bye-Bye Dust (Animal Grooming)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x4, Threads of Purity x24

Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

Afternoon Shine (Bug Catching)Unlocked after obtaining Bye-Bye Dust in Florawish.Base: Starlit Plum x1, Daisies x2, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x30 Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
Rippling Serenity (Fishing)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x5, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x72

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
Fully Charged (Electrician)Unlocked during the main quest (unmissable).Base: Daisies x4, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x148
  • Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Floral Memory (Floral Gliding)Unlocked in Stoneville.Base: Sunpetal Sheet x1, Foodie Bee x3, Pearl Wings x2, Florescent Wool x3, Threads of Purity x360
  • Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Starlet Burst (Shrinking)To be determined.Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Symphony of Strings (Violinist)Unlocked in the Abandoned District.Base: 2kg Kerchief Fish, Pearly Shells x4, Threads of Purity x330

    Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Bevor Sie sich in Miralands Abenteuer stürzen, priorisieren Sie die Hauptquests, um Nikkis volles Potenzial freizusetzen. In dieser Anleitung erfahren Sie, wie Sie alle Fähigkeiten-Outfits in Infinity Nikki erwerben.


    Alle Fähigkeiten-Outfits in Infinity Nikki freischalten
    Outfit and AbilityAcquisition MethodRequired Materials
    Bubbly Voyage (Floating)Unlocked at game start.Base: Lampchilli x8, Threads of Purity x26

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Wind of Purity (Purification)Unlocked at game start.Base: Woolfruit x3, Buttoncones x2, Daisies x2, Threads of Purity x26

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Bye-Bye Dust (Animal Grooming)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x4, Threads of Purity x24

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Afternoon Shine (Bug Catching)Unlocked after obtaining Bye-Bye Dust in Florawish.Base: Starlit Plum x1, Daisies x2, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x30

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Rippling Serenity (Fishing)Unlocked in Florawish.Base: Daisies x5, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x72

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Fully Charged (Electrician)Unlocked during the main quest (unmissable).Base: Daisies x4, Foodie Bee x1, Floof Yarn x1, Threads of Purity x148

    Evolution: Bling x30,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Floral Memory (Floral Gliding)Unlocked in Stoneville.Base: Sunpetal Sheet x1, Foodie Bee x3, Pearl Wings x2, Florescent Wool x3, Threads of Purity x360

    Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    Starlet Burst (Shrinking)To be determined.Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7
    Symphony of Strings (Violinist)Unlocked in the Abandoned District.Base: 2kg Kerchief Fish, Pearly Shells x4, Threads of Purity x330

    Evolution: Bling x330,000, Threads of Purity x100, Calm Thoughts x7

    <🎜>Wie man Outfits herstellt<🎜> <🎜> <🎜><🎜>Alle Fähigkeiten-Outfits in <🎜>Infinity Nikki<🎜><🎜><🎜> freischalten <🎜>Deine Fähigkeiten in <🎜>Infinity Nikki<🎜> sind an bestimmte Outfits gebunden. Es stehen neun einzigartige Fähigkeiten zur Verfügung; Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Liste mit Einzelheiten zu Beschaffungsmethoden und Herstellungsmaterialien.<🎜> <🎜>

    Outfits basteln

    Verwenden Sie Whimstars, um Outfit-Skizzen freizuschalten. Greifen Sie auf das Herz der Unendlichkeit zu (Taste I), wählen Sie die gewünschte Skizze aus und tauschen Sie Whimstars aus. Öffnen Sie dann das Skizzenmenü (Y-Taste), wählen Sie das Outfit aus und fertigen Sie es mit den erforderlichen Materialien an.

    Dieser Leitfaden deckt alle Fähigkeiten-Outfits in Infinity Nikki ab. Weitere Spieltipps, einschließlich Koop-Informationen und eine vollständige Codeliste, finden Sie in The Escapist.

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