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POINTR Easy Remote Support

POINTR Easy Remote Support

カテゴリー:通信 サイズ:93.00M バージョン:2.5.292

開発者:Delta Cygni Labs レート:4.1 アップデート:Jan 17,2025


POINTR Easy Remote Support APP revolutionizes your remote support experience. Say goodbye to complicated and unreliable collaboration tools and welcome the ultimate solution - POINTR from Delta Cygni Labs. With POINTR, you can easily connect with technicians in the field and technical experts from anywhere, in real-time, using video and audio. This cloud-based SaaS solution with augmented reality capabilities allows for direct knowledge sharing on-site, improving processes, speeding up service, and reducing downtime. Experience effortless remote collaboration with POINTR - your tool for improved efficiency and reduced costs. Download now and transform your remote support!

Features of the App:

- AR Annotations: Enhance communication and documentation with augmented reality annotations, making it easier to provide direct knowledge on-site and guide technicians.

- Group-Call: Connect with up to 5 participants in real-time, allowing for collaborative discussions and problem-solving.

- Guaranteed Image Quality: Enjoy clear visuals even with low bandwidth, ensuring seamless communication and efficient troubleshooting.

- GDPR Compliance: Rest easy knowing that your data privacy and security are prioritized, with compliance to GDPR regulations.

- External Camera Support: Utilize external cameras for improved visual support, enabling technicians to receive clearer instructions and guidance.

- Field Notes and Session Recording: Take field notes, capture images, and record sessions for better collaboration and documentation, allowing for improved processes and reduced downtime.


Transform your remote support experience with POINTR, the ultimate solution for industrial remote support. Say goodbye to complicated tools and embrace effortless collaboration with technicians in the field and technical experts from anywhere. With features like AR annotations, group-calls, guaranteed image quality, GDPR compliance, external camera support, and field notes and session recording, POINTR improves efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances the overall remote support experience. Don't miss out - download now and experience the power of POINTR!

POINTR Easy Remote Support スクリーンショット 0
POINTR Easy Remote Support スクリーンショット 1
POINTR Easy Remote Support スクリーンショット 2
POINTR Easy Remote Support スクリーンショット 3
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