Segurança Social
カテゴリー:ツール サイズ:4.54M バージョン:5.9.0
開発者:Instituto de Informática, I.P. レート:4.5 アップデート:Jan 17,2025
Introducing the Segurança Social! With this app, you can now have instant access to all your Social Security information at your fingertips, anytime and anywhere. Never again will you have to wait in long queues or spend hours on the phone just to find out the value and payment date of your benefits. Whether it's Sickness, Unemployment, or Parenting Benefits, this app has got you covered. You can even consult the amounts you'll be receiving from your Pensions and the amounts to be paid or returned. Plus, it's so much more than just an information tool. You can request and renew your European Health Insurance Card with just a few taps. Stay updated with all the latest Social Security notifications and events through the messaging area and agenda.
Features of Segurança Social:
* Quick access to Social Security information: This app allows you to easily access all your Social Security information at the touch of a button. No more waiting in long lines or searching through multiple websites.
* Benefit information: Find out the value and payment date of the benefits you receive, such as Sickness, Unemployment, or Parenting Benefits. Stay up-to-date with the amounts you are entitled to, ensuring you never miss a payment.
* Pension details: Get detailed information about your pension, including the amounts to be received, to be paid, and to be returned. Stay on top of your pension finances with ease.
* Agreements and Payment Plans: Stay informed about any agreements or installment payment plans you have with Social Security. Consult the relative amounts and payment schedules conveniently within the app.
* Document access: Easily view and keep track of all the documents issued by Social Security, including payment references and amounts to be paid. No more paper clutter or misplaced documents.
* Messaging and agenda: Stay connected with Social Security notifications and events through the messaging area and agenda feature. Never miss an important update or deadline.
This user-friendly and convenient app provides quick access to all your Social Security information. From benefit details to pension information, it covers all aspects of your Social Security needs. With features like document access, messaging, and agenda, it ensures you stay on top of your finances and never miss any important updates. Download Segurança Social now to simplify your Social Security experience.
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