The Jingle Cute Nyanko Corps is on a world domination quest! This easy-to-play cat training and strategy game lets you build your own army. While free to play, it includes optional paid content.
Simple Gameplay:
The battle system is incredibly straightforward: tap your favorite cat to unleash powerful herbal medicine and nyanko cannon fire, and conquer enemy castles! Training is equally simple; earn XP by completing stages, choose your feline fighters, and level up to class changes at level 10. Collect treasures worldwide, battle adorable (and sometimes bizarre EX) enemies, and enjoy a fun experience regardless of gaming experience. This is a game for everyone, regardless of age or gender!
Build Your Nyanko Army:
What kind of cat will lead your charge? Create your own unique and exciting Nyanko army today!
Important Download Notes:
Downloading or updating may trigger a "Downloading a large app" message. If not on Wi-Fi, ensure "Download only when connected to Wi-Fi" is OFF to avoid issues. Leaving this setting ON will prevent normal downloads and updates.
Access Permissions:
The app requires specific permissions for optimal functionality:
Required: In-app purchases (Google Play), Wi-Fi connection (for game data download), full network access (game data), vibration control (notifications), prevent sleep (during gameplay), and view network connection (game data). Refusal of required permissions prevents gameplay.
Optional: No optional permissions are currently listed. Denying optional permissions may limit some features. You can manage permissions through your device settings (Android 6.0 and above) or by uninstalling and reinstalling the app (below Android 6.0).
Version 13.7.0 (October 22, 2024):
This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements. Update to the latest version for the best experience! Presented by PONOS.

Card Rogueダウンロード
0.2 / 26.00M
Unova Nightsダウンロード
1.0 / 218.00M
Dirty Jack – Celebrity Partyダウンロード
1.4 / 10.10M
0.1.0 / 184.16M

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