Embark on a captivating mobile adventure with Pocket Tales, the new survival simulation and city-building game from Azur Interactive, now available on Android and iOS. Find yourself stranded in a mysterious mobile world, tasked with building thriving cities and unraveling the realm's secrets to find your way home.
Pocket Tales features a unique survival mechanic: each survivor possesses specialized skills, from crafting and lumberjacking to resource gathering and hunting. Their well-being is paramount; food shortages, exhaustion, and poor living conditions directly impact their productivity and happiness. Upgrade homes and manage workloads effectively to maintain a healthy and content population.
As your settlement expands, explore diverse biomes, sending teams on expeditions to uncover the world's mysteries. The city-building aspect allows you to strategically assign survivors to roles based on their skills – lumberjacks, craftsmen, cooks, and more. Balancing comfort and production is key to creating a flourishing city. Efficient production chains enable you to recycle materials, optimizing resource management.
Attract new survivors, expand your facilities, and unlock the potential of your city. Recruit powerful heroes for enhanced efficiency. Download Pocket Tales today and begin your city-building journey! A list of top Android city-building games is available for those seeking similar experiences.