Gamehouse revives its beloved Delicious series with the latest installment, Delicious: The First Course. This new chapter delves into the origins of the franchise's iconic mascot, Emily, offering players a fresh culinary adventure.
Expect classic restaurant simulation gameplay, including time management challenges, engaging minigames, and satisfying restaurant upgrades. Fans of the Delicious series will find familiar mechanics, while newcomers will discover a delightful blend of strategy and charm.
Gameplay involves managing various tasks to maintain a smooth restaurant operation, progressing from casual eateries to sophisticated culinary establishments. Players will unlock unique minigames, upgrade equipment, hire staff, and customize decor to create their dream kitchen.
A Sweet Treat
The inclusion of narrative elements has proven crucial for the success of many popular casual mobile games. Gamehouse cleverly returns to the series' roots, focusing on Emily's journey from solo restaurateur to her current life, offering a nostalgic yet fresh experience.
Delicious: The First Course is slated for release on January 30th, according to its iOS listing. In the meantime, explore our curated list of top cooking games on iOS and Android to satisfy your culinary cravings.