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Maximize SEO Visibility: Expert Content Strategy for Google Friendliness

Author : Mila Update:Feb 26,2025

Mastering Fishing in Rune Slayer: A Comprehensive Guide

If you're wondering if Rune Slayer is an MMORPG, the presence of fishing should settle the debate! This guide will walk you through the surprisingly unintuitive process of fishing in Rune Slayer.

Recommended Preparation:

Simon the Fisherman is standing next to the Rune Slayer player who is fishing

Screenshot by The Escapist
Before you begin your fishing adventure, it's crucial to accept the fishing quest from Simon the Fisherman, located at a pier where Barracuda swim. He'll task you with catching 5 "fish" (more on that later) in exchange for a Tackle Box.

To catch these "fish," you'll need a fishing rod and bait. Conveniently, Simon sells both.

Rune Slayer player is buying fishing supplies

Screenshot by The Escapist
Purchase a Wood Fishing Rod and at least 5 Worms from Simon. While you don't equip the bait, having it in your inventory is essential. Each successful catch (or "catch") consumes one Worm. Crucially, you need at least 5 worms in your inventory to catch anything. We recommend placing the Worms in your hotbar for easy tracking.

The Fishing Process:

Rune Slayer player is fishing

Gif by The Escapist
1. Select your Wood Fishing Rod. Simply having it in your hotbar is sufficient; your character will automatically hold it.

  1. Cast your line (hold M1) into a body of water. The pier near Simon is ideal.

  2. Watch the bobber. When you see ripples, click M1 again to reel in your catch.

Important Note: This method isn't foolproof. You might catch nothing, or you might catch junk. However, Simon counts junk as a successful catch, hence the "fish" quotation marks.

Rune Slayer player has finished the Fishing Quest

Screenshot by The Escapist
Once you've accumulated 5 catches, return to Simon to complete the quest and receive your Tackle Box. Store your remaining Worms in the box to free up inventory space.

For further assistance, consult our Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Rune Slayer. Happy fishing!

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