Monolith Soft, the renowned creators of the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise, are actively seeking talented individuals to join their team for a new, ambitious RPG project. This exciting news, revealed by General Director Tetsuya Takahashi, signals a significant undertaking for the studio.
Takahashi's message highlights the evolving landscape of game development and the need for a more streamlined production process to tackle the complexities of an open-world RPG. The scope of this new project surpasses previous Monolith Soft titles, necessitating a larger, more skilled team. The recruitment drive includes eight key roles, encompassing everything from asset creation to leadership positions. While technical proficiency is vital, Takahashi emphasizes the importance of shared passion for creating enjoyable player experiences.
This isn't the studio's first recruitment drive for a new title. Back in 2017, Monolith Soft announced recruitment for an ambitious action game, showcasing concept art featuring a knight and a dog. However, this project received no further public updates, and the original recruitment page has since been removed from their website. This doesn't necessarily confirm cancellation; it could simply indicate a shift in development plans or a pause in the project.
The new RPG announcement fuels significant speculation among fans. Given Monolith Soft's history of pushing creative boundaries, as evidenced by the Xenoblade Chronicles series and their contribution to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, this project is expected to be exceptionally ambitious. Some even theorize it could be a launch title for a future Nintendo Switch iteration. While details remain scarce, the anticipation is palpable. The mystery surrounding the 2017 project and the scale of this new RPG promise an exciting future for Monolith Soft and their devoted fanbase.