Arknights: Endfield Release Date and Time
Release Date Still Unconfirmed
While an official release date for Arknights: Endfield on PC, PS5, and mobile remains elusive, a significant step forward occurred in August 2024. The game received approval from China's NPPA, granting it a twelve-month window for release. This means we can expect Arknights: Endfield to launch sometime between August and September 2025 at the latest.
Arknights: Endfield Beta Test Registration
The wait for Arknights: Endfield might be shortened for some lucky players! From December 15th, 2024, to January 8th, 2025, registration opens for the upcoming Beta Test, kicking off on January 16th, 2025.
Content creators have a direct route via the Arknights: Endfield Content Creator Program Vol. 1 Sign-Up Link, offering a chance to join the creator community and gain early access.
For everyone else, head to the official Arknights: Endfield website to register and hope for the best!
Is Arknights: Endfield on Xbox Game Pass?
No, Arknights: Endfield will be available on PC, PS5, and mobile devices only.