Heaven Burns Red is celebrating its 100-day anniversary with a special event running until March 20th! This includes a new side story, exclusive rewards, and new Memoria.
Chapter 4, Part 2 introduces "Thou Art This Summer's Fairy, A Sight I Shall Record in My Eyes," a side story taking players back in time to a summer resort threatened by the Cancer Invasion. Enjoy this enchanting tale with your favorite characters.
Log in daily for exclusive rewards! The 100-Day Celebration SS-Guaranteed Ticket event guarantees an SS Memoria from the special recruitment banner when you use 10 tickets for a 10-pull.
This anniversary event also features numerous SS and S-level Memoria with powerful new abilities. Don't miss three platinum recruitment events, each offering guaranteed pulls of specific characters: February 21st-March 13th, February 28th-March 20th, and March 7th-March 20th.
While a summer event might seem out of season for many, this nostalgic glimpse of warmer weather is sure to be a welcome addition.
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