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Frogs Kitchen

Frogs Kitchen

分類:模擬 大小:100.4 MB 版本號:1.2.0

開發者:OUTLOU:D GAMES 評分:3.9 更新日期:Jan 25,2025


Experience the culinary charm of "Frog Kitchen Tycoon: Idle Venture," an idle game where frogs cook, eat, and live their best lives! Embark on a unique culinary adventure across exotic locations on a planet bursting with flavor and fun.

Build Your Froggy Food Empire: Establish kitchens in diverse settings, each with its own theme and delicious cuisine. From bustling cafes to serene restaurants, the culinary possibilities are endless. Create delectable dishes that will delight your frog patrons!

Hire a Team of Frog Chefs: Recruit talented frog chefs to prepare scrumptious snacks and hearty meals. Watch your kitchen come alive with the energy of busy cooks serving hungry customers.

Style Your Star Chef: Give your head frog chef a makeover with adorable costumes and accessories. Chef hats and fancy aprons not only add style but also boost your income, ensuring your kitchen thrives!

Idle Gameplay with a Unique Twist: Relax and watch your frog empire grow even when you're not playing. Idle game mechanics let you earn coins and expand your kitchen empire while you're away.

Snack Frenzy Awaits: Prepare for a wave of snack-loving frogs eager for tasty treats! Meet the demand and satisfy their cravings to unlock special rewards and bonuses.

Join the froggy fun and become the ultimate kitchen tycoon in "Frog Kitchen Tycoon: Idle Venture"! Start cooking, building, and expanding your frog empire today!

Frogs Kitchen應用截圖第0張
Frogs Kitchen應用截圖第1張
Frogs Kitchen應用截圖第2張
Frogs Kitchen應用截圖第3張
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