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分類:桌遊 大小:54.8 MB 版本號:3.0.0

評分:3.5 更新日期:Jan 24,2025


Experience Kulami Anytime, Anywhere! Challenge Friends or AI.

Kulami Mobile: Strategic Fun in Your Pocket!

Calling all Kulami enthusiasts! The popular strategy and puzzle game, Kulami, is now available on mobile! Kulami Mobile brings the classic game to your mobile device, enhanced with exciting new features. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer, Kulami Mobile offers a unique and engaging gaming experience.

What Kulami Mobile Offers:

  • Challenge the AI: Hone your skills and test your limits against AI opponents of various difficulty levels.
  • Global Competition: Engage in online matches with Kulami players worldwide and climb the leaderboards.
  • Connect with Friends: Create a friends list, send invites, and enjoy head-to-head matches on the same device.
  • Tournament Participation: Join regular tournaments, showcase your skills, and compete for prizes.
  • Become a Top Player: See your name on the top players list and share your achievements.

What is Kulami?

Kulami is a strategic board game for two players. The objective is to control the most territories on the game board and achieve the highest score. Kulami enhances strategic thinking, planning, and foresight skills while providing hours of entertainment.

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