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Tormentis Dungeon RPG Is a New Dungeon-Building Game on Android

作者 : Liam 更新日期:Jan 22,2025

Tormentis Dungeon RPG Is a New Dungeon-Building Game on Android

Are you a dungeon master who loves to set traps? Then get ready for Tormentis Dungeon RPG, a new Android game from 4 Hands Games! Initially launched on Steam Early Access in July 2024, this game lets you build and defend your own deadly dungeons.

What is Tormentis Dungeon RPG All About?

Forget just running through dungeons; in Tormentis, you create them. As the evil overlord, you design intricate mazes teeming with fearsome monsters and cunning traps. Anyone bold enough to steal your treasure will quickly find themselves hopelessly lost!

Your goal? Protect your ever-filling treasure chests. Other players are constantly on the prowl, eager to pilfer your hard-earned loot. Outsmart them by crafting fiendish dungeons with confusing layouts and deadly creatures.

But there's a catch: before unleashing your labyrinth on unsuspecting victims, you must navigate it yourself! If you can't survive your own creation, it's not ready for prime time.

Trade Your Spoils!

Gather gear by conquering dungeons, but don't hoard everything. The in-game auction house lets you trade unwanted items with other players.

Online and Offline Play

Tormentis Dungeon RPG offers both online and offline modes. Test your traps in solo mode or unleash your creations on other players in thrilling PvP battles.

This free-to-play game is entirely free of pay-to-win mechanics. A single in-app purchase of around $20 removes ads. If you're seeking a unique dungeon crawler experience, download Tormentis Dungeon RPG from the Google Play Store today!

Stay tuned for our next article on ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition, where you build, tame, and survive!

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