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Tower of God: Festive Update Adds Characters, Events, and Rewards

作者 : Zoey 更新日期:Jan 22,2025

Netmarble's Tower of God: New World receives a holiday update brimming with new content, including characters, events, and rewards. The update introduces two powerful new characters, several limited-time events running until January 2nd, and five new Adventure Floors.

Two formidable new allies join the roster: SSR+ [Revolution] Twenty-Fifth Bam (Blue element, Mage, Wave Controller), a devastating force wielding black shinsu and the second Thorn; and SSR [Ice Spear] Khun Aguero (Yellow element, Assassin, Spearbearer), utilizing his Secret Floor training to unleash frost-inflicting attacks. Consult our Tower of God: New World tier list to see how they compare to existing characters!

A range of limited-time events offer seasonal rewards and challenges. The "Silent Night! Holy Night!" story event provides SSR+ materials and growth resources. The Ranker Race tests your skills in a high-stakes competition, while Khun's Wishing Card event offers chances to obtain festive costumes, such as Evan's Holiday Request outfit. More casual events include TapTap Plus, featuring a Bam Doll for reward upgrades, and a holiday-themed tower minigame with additional prizes. The Data Tower event allows players to earn SSR Khun Aguero.

Adventure Floors 141 through 145 are now accessible, alongside new holiday costumes for Bam, Khun, and Evan.


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