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Pick 2

Pick 2

分類:卡牌 大小:42.2 MB 版本號:1.0

評分:3.5 更新日期:Jan 24,2025


Experience the excitement of Nigerian Whot, now in digital form! Pick2, developed by Playsphere Studios Limited, brings the classic card game to your fingertips. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newcomer, Pick2 offers a thrilling and competitive digital adaptation of the beloved Whot game.

What is Pick2? Pick2 is a digital version of the popular Nigerian card game, Whot. It faithfully recreates the fun and challenge of the original game in a convenient and engaging digital format.

Game Modes for Non-Stop Fun: Pick2 features diverse game modes to keep you entertained. Play 1v1 matches, join multiplayer games, or test your skills in tournaments against other players. Each mode provides a unique and challenging experience. Hone your Whot skills and develop winning strategies to outsmart your opponents!

Pick 2應用截圖第0張
Pick 2應用截圖第1張
Pick 2應用截圖第2張
Pick 2應用截圖第3張
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