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Sort Puzzle

Sort Puzzle

分類:益智解謎 大小:121.2 MB 版本號:1.0.6

開發者:XGame Global 評分:4.2 更新日期:Jan 25,2025


Watersort: An Addictive Color-Sorting Puzzle Game!

Looking for fun and relaxing games? Do you enjoy 3D games involving sweet treats or drink mixing? Aspire to be the ultimate bartender? Then Watersort is the perfect water puzzle game for you! This refreshing game will satisfy your thirst for creative drink-making.

In Watersort: Pour Color, you become the owner and bartender of a bustling drinks shop, serving customers quickly and accurately. You'll start with beakers filled with colorful liquids—the ingredients for your delicious beverages. The juices have unfortunately mixed, creating a colorful mess! Your task is to sort the liquids, filling each glass with only one color.

The core of Watersort is color sorting. This requires careful planning and strategic thinking as you mix your sweet drinks. Simply tap a glass to select it, then tap another to pour the liquid. A filled glass with a single color means you've successfully created a drink! It's incredibly easy to play; just pour and pour! Get stuck? No problem! You can restart any level at any time.

Expand your business and make a fortune! This 3D water puzzle game is designed for relaxation and enjoyment.

How to Play:

Tap any glass to pour water into another. You can only pour if the colors match and there's enough space in the receiving glass.


  • One-finger control.
  • Numerous unique and engaging levels.
  • Free to download and easy to play.
  • No penalties or time limits.

Think you can conquer every level and become the best bartender? Download the game and find out!

What's New in Version 1.0.6 (Updated October 23, 2024):

Bug fixes.

Sort Puzzle應用截圖第0張
Sort Puzzle應用截圖第1張
Sort Puzzle應用截圖第2張
Sort Puzzle應用截圖第3張
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