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Infinite English

Infinite English

分类:益智解谜 大小:13.06M 版本号:4.4.7

开发者:Jernung 评分:4 更新日期:Dec 12,2024


Infinite: Learn English Through Space-Themed Games

Infinite is a fun, interactive app that gamifies English learning with a space theme. Its game-first approach makes mastering common English words easy and enjoyable. Test your knowledge using audio, text, and image-based challenges. Race against the clock to boost your word recall speed. Thirty-second levels fit any schedule, and customizable review sessions let you focus on specific word categories. Begin your English learning adventure with Infinite today!

App Features:

  • Game-Based Learning: Engage with interactive games for a fun and effective learning experience.
  • Comprehensive Word Mastery: Master vocabulary through audio, text, and image-based assessments.
  • Enhanced Word Recall: Timed quizzes improve your speed and accuracy in recalling words.
  • Flexible Learning Sessions: 30-second levels accommodate even the busiest schedules.
  • Customizable Review: Target specific words and categories for personalized learning.
  • User-Friendly Design: Enjoy a visually appealing and intuitive interface.

In conclusion, Infinite makes learning English fun and efficient. Its game-based approach, combined with customizable features and flexible learning options, makes it an ideal tool for enhancing vocabulary and recall. Download now and start your journey to English fluency!

Infinite English应用截图第0张
Infinite English应用截图第1张
Infinite English应用截图第2张
Infinite English应用截图第3张
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