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Fateful Return: Destiny Child Rises as Idle RPG

作者 : Olivia 更新日期:Jan 22,2025

Fateful Return: Destiny Child Rises as Idle RPG

Destiny Child is back! Originally launched in 2016 and archived in September 2023, this popular title is getting a full revival under Com2uS, taking over development from ShiftUp.

A New Beginning?

Com2uS and ShiftUp have partnered to create a brand-new Destiny Child experience – an idle RPG! Development is spearheaded by Com2uS subsidiary, Tiki Taka Studio (creators of Arcana Tactics). This reboot will retain the original's charming 2D art style and emotional core, but with completely revamped gameplay mechanics.

Remember the Memorial?

Destiny Child's initial success was built on its captivating characters and dynamic real-time combat. Following its closure after nearly seven years, ShiftUp released a memorial version allowing players to revisit their beloved Childs.

While not a fully functional game, the memorial app lets players appreciate the stunning character artwork and fondly remember their teams. Access is restricted to former players via a verification code linked to pre-shutdown account data. It's a nostalgic trip down memory lane, preserving the Childs and their classes, even if battles are no longer possible. If you have access, download it from the Google Play Store and enjoy the artwork before the new game launches.

That's all for our Destiny Child comeback update. For more gaming news, check out our article on Hearthstone's "The Great Dark Beyond" and the return of the Burning Legion.

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