Embark on a thrilling hidden object adventure in Christmas Flight (F2P)! This mystery game from FriendlyFox Studio is packed with hidden objects, mini-games, and brain-teasing puzzles. The main game is free to play, but hints are available for purchase if you get stuck.
Are you a fan of mysteries and puzzles? Then Christmas Flight (F2P) is the perfect game for you!
⭐ A Unique Story: A peaceful holiday evening takes a dramatic turn when you're kidnapped and transported to Christmas Land! A dangerous curse is freezing people's hearts, and your long-lost nephew needs your help to break it. Team up with fantastical friends and save Christmas!
⭐ Puzzles and Hidden Objects: Sharpen your observation skills to find all the hidden objects. Solve unique puzzles, navigate charming mini-games, and collect clues in this captivating game.
⭐ Bonus Chapter: Enjoy even more gameplay with the included bonus chapter! Help Belle and her friends create a special Christmas for Christmas Land.
⭐ Bonus Collections: Uncover collectibles and morphing objects to unlock special bonuses and replay your favorite mini-games!
Christmas Flight (F2P) Features:
- An immersive adventure
- Intuitive mini-games, brain-teasers, and unique puzzles
- 40+ stunning locations
- Spectacular graphics
- Collectibles and morphing objects to find
Learn More from FriendlyFox Studio:
Terms of Use: https://friendlyfox.studio/terms-and-conditions/ Privacy Policy: https://friendlyfox.studio/privacy-policy/ Official Website: https://friendlyfox.studio/hubs/hub-android/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FriendlyFoxStudio/
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