Dive into the enchanting world of magical girls with the upcoming mobile game, Magia Exedra. A recently released teaser trailer, available in both English and Japanese, offers a cryptic glimpse into the game's narrative. The trailer showcases a mysterious girl, seemingly bereft of her memories, standing within a fantastical lighthouse – a sanctuary for the memories of magical girls.
The trailer suggests a gameplay experience centered around helping this heroine piece together fragments of her past, akin to a magical girl memory puzzle. This relaxed approach to storytelling contrasts with previous entries in the franchise.
Global Release Hopes
The English-language trailer has ignited excitement among fans, fueling speculation of a simultaneous global release. This is a significant departure from the staggered release of Magia Record, another Madoka Magica mobile game, which left international fans waiting for an extended period. The English Twitter account further hints at this possibility, offering a welcome change for international players.
This fresh start presents an opportunity for the developers to learn from past experiences and provide a smoother, more accessible experience for a global audience. Magia Exedra promises a captivating new story within the Madoka Magica universe, featuring both familiar faces and this intriguing amnesiac protagonist. The mysteries surrounding the lighthouse and the memories it holds are sure to keep players engaged.
The game is slated for release in 2024. For the latest updates, visit the official website.
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