Sonic Galactic: A Sonic Mania-esque Fan Game
Sonic Galactic, developed by Starteam, is a fan-made Sonic the Hedgehog game channeling the spirit of the critically acclaimed Sonic Mania. Building on the enduring popularity of Sonic Mania – a 25th-anniversary celebration lauded for its classic gameplay and pixel art – Sonic Galactic offers a nostalgic experience for fans. The game's development, spanning at least four years, began with its unveiling at the 2020 Sonic Amateur Games Expo.
The game's aesthetic draws inspiration from 32-bit era consoles, imagining a potential Sonic title for the Sega Saturn. While staying true to the feel of classic 2D Genesis-era platformers, Sonic Galactic adds its unique flair.
Gameplay and Characters:
The second demo, released in early 2025, features the iconic trio of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles in all-new levels. Adding to the roster are two new playable characters: Fang the Sniper (from Sonic Triple Trouble), seeking revenge against Dr. Eggman, and Tunnel the Mole, a character originating from Sonic Frontiers.
Each character boasts unique paths within each zone, mirroring the level design of Sonic Mania. The special stages, reminiscent of Sonic Mania's, challenge players to collect rings within a time limit in a 3D environment. A complete playthrough of Sonic's levels takes approximately one hour, while the other characters each have roughly one stage, resulting in a total playtime of a couple of hours.
Key Features:
- Pixel Art Style: Retains the beloved pixel art aesthetic of Sonic Mania, appealing to fans of retro graphics.
- Classic Gameplay: Offers fast-paced, classic Sonic gameplay with a modern twist.
- New Playable Characters: Introduces Fang the Sniper and Tunnel the Mole, expanding the playable character roster.
- Multiple Paths: Each character has unique routes through the levels, encouraging replayability.
- Mania-Inspired Special Stages: Features special stages similar in style and gameplay to those in Sonic Mania.
Sonic Galactic provides a compelling experience for Sonic fans yearning for a continuation of the Sonic Mania style, offering a fresh take on classic gameplay with new characters and levels.