Embarking on the captivating journey through *Split Fiction's* diverse worlds, you'll encounter benches—serene spots for you and your partner to pause and admire the scenery. These aren't mere background details; they're key to unlocking the "Sisters: A Tale of Two Besties" achievement, a playful nod to director Josef Faras's previous work, *Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons*. To earn this achievement, you and your partner must locate and share a seat on six benches scattered throughout the game's eight chapters. While seemingly straightforward, these benches are easily missed.
Note that Chapters 1 and 8 are bench-free zones. The remaining six chapters each hide a single bench, not indicated on your HUD or within the game's narrative. Keep a sharp eye out for these resting spots. If you need assistance, this guide provides precise locations for each bench, specifying the chapter section where they're found.
Chapter 2: Neon Revenge – Within the Big City Life section, after the water park grapple sequence, you'll find the bench on the balcony where you land. Simply approach and take a seat.
Chapter 3: Hopes of Spring – In the Halls of Ice section, near the sliding block puzzle, look towards the balcony by a large tree. The bench awaits.
Chapter 4: Final Dawn – During the Soaring Desperados section, while navigating the corridor, you'll see a bench in front of a large window. Take a break!
Chapter 5: Rise of the Dragon Realm – In the Water Temple section, after Mio and Zoe reunite past the water wheels, locate the bench on the left side of the cliff.
Chapter 6: Isolation – In the Waste Depot section, after controlling the raft through the sewage, the bench sits atop a pile of garbage.
Chapter 7: The Hollow – The final bench is in the Mosaic of Memories section, immediately after traversing the beams of light emanating from the windows. It's on the left.
That concludes our tour of *Split Fiction's* hidden benches. Enjoy!
*Split Fiction* is available now on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.