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The Best Android Stealth Games - Updated!

作者 : Anthony 更新日期:Jan 23,2025

It's Sunday, and that means it's time for our weekly deep dive into a specific Android game genre. Today's focus: the best Android stealth games available.

The stealth game selection on the Play Store has thinned out recently, with some titles disappearing. However, the games remaining are excellent. Otherwise, this list would be a fabrication!

You can download the games below directly from the Play Store by clicking their names. If you have a personal stealth game favorite we missed, please share it in the comments!

Top Android Stealth Games

Here are our picks:

Party Hard Go

Unlike many stealth games where avoiding combat is key, Party Hard Go flips the script. Your objective? Eliminate party guests without detection.

Hello Neighbor: Nicky’s Diaries

While you could play the original Hello Neighbor port on Android, we recommend this superior alternative. Developed specifically for mobile, Nicky's Diaries delivers a refined Hello Neighbor experience with enhanced gameplay and unexpected twists.

Slayaway Camp

In this title, you're the predator, not the prey. Navigate challenging levels, dispatching 80s teens while evading the police.


Prove that stealth can thrive even in board games! In Antihero, you'll navigate a gaslit Victorian underworld, building the most powerful thieves' guild through cunning and subterfuge.

Among Us

Among Us offers a dual stealth experience. Sometimes you're completing tasks, observing for suspicious activity. Other times, you're the imposter, silently eliminating players without being caught. The latter definitely qualifies as stealth gameplay.

Hitman: Blood Money Reprisal

Agent 47 returns in this faithful recreation of the 2006 classic, enhanced with modern improvements. Explore exotic locations, meet new acquaintances... and eliminate them.

Space Marshals

While the entire Space Marshals series is fantastic, we've chosen the first installment for brevity. Stealth is one of many tools in your arsenal as you restore order to the galactic frontier.

El Hijo – A Wild West Tale

Size matters in stealth! Play as El Hijo, a boy abandoned at a monastery, who must use his small stature and cunning to navigate a dangerous world and reunite with his mother.

White Day – The School

Staying late in a school haunted by urban legends was probably a bad idea. Now, you must evade crazed janitors, murderous trees, and ghostly apparitions to escape. Not for the faint of heart!

Click here for more Android game lists

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