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Infinity Nikki 中的所有 Kindled Inspiration Quest 地点和解决方案

作者 : Zoey 更新日期:Jan 21,2025

Infinity Nikki 中的所有 Kindled Inspiration Quest 地点和解决方案


无限日记中的许多支线任务丰富了 Miraland 的体验,增加了游戏的深度。本指南的重点是找到并完成所有十个 Kindled Inspiration 任务。 虽然看似简单(通过着装来激励 NPC),但找到合适的服装却颇具挑战性。


Quest NameLocationCompletion RequirementsRewards
Yesteryear's SheFlorawish: Find Alber near the Mayor's Residence (daytime).Wear the Paper Crane's Flight dress (obtained from Kilo the Cadenceborn).20 Diamonds
Nostalgic Blossom Sketch
Blossom WalkFlorawish: Speak with Narci north of the Mayor's Residence.Wear the Floral Stroll Shoes (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds
Breeze-Kissed Blooms Sketch
CamouflageFlorawish: Find Rosy on the road to the Dream Warehouse.Wear the Wishful Pact Skirt (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds
Starlit Night Sketch
Natural DesignHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Find Velly near the lake cabin.Wear the Woolfruit Growth outerwear (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds
Hundred Daisies Sketch
Deft ExuberanceHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Find Peysi in the stands behind the Meadow Activity Center.Wear the Swift Leap Shorts (found in a chest in Old Florawish Memorial).20 Diamonds
Gentle Sunshine Sketch
Warm ProtectionHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Find Vendita outside a house at the Border Outpost.Wear the Midnight Moon gloves (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds
Crimson Snowstorm Sketch
Animal TracesHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Find Auri near the fences north of the Stoneville Entrance fast travel point.Wear the Mark of Life top (found in a chest south of the Relic Hill fast travel point, in the ruins).20 Diamonds
Peace with Birds Sketch
TransformationStoneville: Find Rosalie near the purple fabrics in the dyeing district.Wear the Rippling Waves hair (crafted after completing Rippling Serenity).20 Diamonds
Quick Ponytail Sketch
Goodnight SignalStoneville: Find Fabrizio south of the Lavenfringe Fields fast travel point.Wear any three pieces of Home clothing (purchased at Marques Boutique, Florawish).20 Diamonds
Heavy Eyelids Sketch
Fortune's FavorHeartcraft Kingdom, Breezy Meadow: Find Mysti on the deck northeast of the Cicia Art Academy Field Base fast travel point.Wear the Little Luck socks (crafted after completing Afternoon Shine).20 Diamonds
Lucky Knot Sketch

这份全面的指南可确保您能够完成每一个 Kindled Inspiration 任务。 如需更多无限尼克提示、策略和指南,请查看 The Escapist 以获取其他资源,包括我们的代码列表和扭蛋系统说明。

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