While Geralt of Rivia, voiced by Doug Cockle, will return in The Witcher 4, the iconic monster hunter won't be the protagonist, according to recent statements. The next installment will focus on new characters, shifting the narrative's spotlight.
The Witcher 4: A New Protagonist, Geralt's Supporting Role
A Change of Pace for the White Wolf
Doug Cockle confirmed Geralt's presence in *The Witcher 4*, dispelling rumors of his complete absence. However, his role will be significantly diminished, shifting from protagonist to a supporting character. Cockle himself stated in an interview with Fall Damage that the game "won't focus on Geralt; it's not about him this time."The identity of the new protagonist remains a secret, fueling speculation amongst fans. Cockle's admission that he's "excited to find out" adds to the mystery, suggesting a fresh face will lead the charge.
Clues and Speculation
A Cat School medallion, featured in a two-year-old Unreal Engine 5 teaser, has sparked theories. The decimated Cat School, hinted at in Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, may have surviving members seeking revenge, fitting the profile of a potential protagonist.
Another popular theory centers on Ciri, Geralt's adopted daughter. Her possession of a Cat School medallion in the books, and the game's subtle substitution of the Wolf medallion with a Cat medallion when playing as Ciri in The Witcher 3, strengthens this possibility. Some predict a mentor-like role for Geralt, similar to Vessemir, while others anticipate a more limited appearance, perhaps through flashbacks or cameos.
The Witcher 4's Development and Release
Game director Sebastian Kalemba, in an interview with Lega Nerd, clarified the game's aim: to engage both newcomers and long-time fans. The Witcher 4, codenamed Polaris, officially entered development in 2023, with over 400 developers working on it—CD Projekt Red's largest project to date.
Despite the significant investment, a substantial wait is anticipated. CEO Adam Kiciński previously indicated a release date at least three years out due to the project's ambitious scope and the development of new Unreal Engine 5 technologies. For release date predictions, please see the linked article.