Get ready, trainers! Pokémon GO's next Community Day Classic features the Steel/Psychic-type Pokémon, Beldum!
Beldum Returns for Pokémon GO Community Day Classic
Pokémon GO Beldum Community Day Classic: August 18, 2024, 2 PM (Local Time)
Pokémon GO has officially announced Beldum as the star of this month's Community Day Classic. This popular event returns Beldum for a three-hour window of increased spawns, starting at 2 PM (local time) on August 18th and concluding at 5 PM (local time). While the official date has been confirmed, additional details are still pending.
Community Day Classics offer boosted spawn rates for a featured Pokémon, making it easier to catch and evolve. Expect significantly higher Beldum encounter rates during this event.
Beldum evolves into Metang and then the powerful Metagross. Community Day events typically include a special, event-exclusive move for the final evolution. This event is likely to feature a unique move for Metagross.
Stay tuned for further updates as more details are revealed! We'll keep this page updated with the latest information.